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which aircraft is the best

Which Aircraft Is The Best - The air force is an essential part of any army - air superiority provides cover and security for troops on the ground. More importantly, fighter jets are a necessity for all countries that want to maintain their airspace sovereignty and secure their position as the world's preeminent military power.

Currently, fifth generation fighter jets are the most advanced fighter jets. The US military aircraft manufacturer Lockheed Martin specified a fifth-generation fighter with the following characteristics:

Which Aircraft Is The Best

Which Aircraft Is The Best

Many nations continue to fly old fourth generation fighters that lack the features of the fifth generation, but are still very effective war machines. They are cheaper and easier to manufacture than fifth generation fighter jets and can sometimes be almost as good.

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The fourth-generation fighter can be upgraded with several advanced features, such as a stealth layer, better computers and avionics, and a powerful new radar. Those fighters are called 4+ and 4++ generation fighter jets because they belong to the previous generation but have the characteristics of the next generation.

JF-17 Thunder or FC-1 Xiaolong is a multirole combat aircraft. Developed by a joint operation between China and Pakistan to provide the Pakistan Air Force with a cheap and modern alternative to the aging and large fleet of fighters, bombers and interceptors. Because of this, the JF-17 will be the backbone of the PAF.

After a difficult period of testing and redesigning, the PAF finally received its first jet in 2007. Since then, the Pakistan Air Force has relied heavily on the JF-17 to complete various missions in its territory. In 2013, PAC Kamra started production of the Block 2 JF-17 - an upgraded jet with air-to-air refueling, better avionics, increased cargo capacity, data link and electronic warfare capabilities.

The HAL Tejas is an Indian fighter jet that replaced the MiG-21, which has been in use by the Indian Air Force since 1964. Pilots praise the HAL Tejas for its high maneuverability. Production on the fourth generation of the Indian fighter has just begun, due to the fact that the program has struggled to obtain an Operational Authorization.

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HAL Tejas is very light and has wings that allow the pilot to control it during difficult maneuvers. India is also constantly upgrading its fighters with each new batch of HAL Tejas getting new advanced features.

Developed by McDonnell Douglas and later by Boeing, the F-15 is still in production. Although it was delivered more than 35 years ago, the F-15 is still considered a very capable fighter in the air. It is still operated by 4 countries: Israel, Japan, Saudi Arabia and the United States.

The new variant of the F-15 Eagle is called the F-15EX. The United States has developed elements characteristic of the fifth generation of fighter jets for its air defense. It can carry up to 22 air-to-air missiles and has the latest electronic warfare equipment.

Which Aircraft Is The Best

Recently, the F-15 made headlines as an Israeli F-15 lost its canopy at 30,000 feet in the air.

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The fighter jet developed by the French company Dassault is a multirole fighter. It can intercept and fight other aircraft, attack targets on land and at sea. In addition, it can also carry out espionage missions and even carry nuclear weapons.

When the French Air Force is looking for new aircraft to replace the current fleet, France, to reduce costs agreed to an agreement with other European countries. When disagreements arose, the French decided to develop their own fighter - Rafale. The fighter jet entered service for the first time in 2001 and has since been considered one of the best military aircraft in the world.

It is used not only by the French. India, Egypt and Qatar also have Rafales in their Air Forces, and the United Arab Emirates and Greece are also buying them.

Of all the fighter jets on the list, the story of the Typhoon is one of the most interesting. A joint operation of Airbus, BAE Systems and Leonardo developed the Typhoon. After construction began in 1983, the first official test flight took off in 1994. The Typhoon was plagued by delays. After the fall of the Berlin Wall and the change of government in Germany, the German Chancellor at the time promised to cancel the project. However, the program survived and after several delays, Germany deployed the first Eurofighter Typhoons.

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The airline currently serves nine countries, including Germany, the United Kingdom, Qatar, Kuwait and Italy. The latest Eurofighter Typhoons are greatly improved compared to the initial variants, and some other countries are also considering buying them.

The world's first fifth-generation fighter jet, the F-22 Raptor entered service in 2005. The US government canceled production of the Raptor in 2011. Although it is a critical part of the USAF (United States Air Force). ), the increase in the cost of construction and maintenance, the lack of air-to-air missions stopped the production of jets. Lockheed delivered the last Raptor to the USAF in 2012.

However, the F-22 was a pioneer. It is the first fighter jet to combine supercruise, supermaneuverability, stealth and sensor fusion. It also remains a stealth fighter jet, less visible to radar even the latest fighter jets due to its special construction.

Which Aircraft Is The Best

A unique example on the list, the Mitsubishi X-2 Shinshin is a fifth generation test plane ... Yes. Although not a fighter jet per se, the Japanese used the X-2 as a testbed for other fighter jet technology. The story behind this jet is that Japan wants to replace its current fighter fleet. The Japanese government contacted the United States about the possibility of buying F-22 Raptors, but the US Congress shot down every opportunity to protect its military secrets.

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The first Shinshin flight took off in 2016 and after successful tests, Mitsubishi began producing the aircraft. The X-2 is the predecessor of the F-3, a sixth-generation fighter jet. Japan aims to produce F-3 by 2027.

The FC-31 or J-31 is the second fifth-generation fighter jet introduced to the Chinese Air Force. Although it is less advanced than its counterpart, the Chengdu J-20, it is still a very capable fighter jet. The exact specifications are unclear to anyone outside the Chinese military. Foreign experts, mainly the United States, point out that the FC-31 is on par with other fifth-generation fighters. However, the best jet is decided by many other factors. Namely, pilot readiness and aircraft radar and sensor capabilities.

The Shenyang FC-31 is lighter and more agile than the Chengdu J-20. In the future, it can be used in Chinese aircraft carriers and China can try to sell it to other countries as well.

China's best fighter jet, Chengdu Aerospace Corporation introduced the J-20 in 2017. After more than 20 years of development, it first flew in 2011. There have been several changes in the design of the aircraft after the first flight has taken place. , is a new intake, a new stealth coating and a new design of vertical stabilizers. Despite some problems that arose after production, the Chengdu J-20 was the first fifth-generation fighter jet in Asia.

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Developed by the Sukhoi Company, the Su-57 will be Russia's most technologically advanced fighter jet. It's the first fighter to tick every box on the fifth generation fighter's list of features. Sergey Bogdan was the first pilot to test the Su-57 in 2010. Compared to the F-35, the Su-57 alone cost Russia about $10 billion for research, development and production preparation.

The Russian Air Force is expected to enter full service in 2020. However, in 2018, journalists saw two Su-57s in Syria.

The US Air Force introduced a new fighter jet in 2015. The F-35 has three main variants, with differences in their landing capabilities. The F-35A is the base variant, and a conventional fighter jet. F-35B is a short vertical takeoff and landing aircraft, it can hover in the air thanks to its special rotary engine. The F-35C is a carrier variant designed to replace the F/A-18 fighter jet.

Which Aircraft Is The Best

The estimated cost of the F-35 program is staggering. The US government is spending $1.508 trillion on fighter jets. But on the other hand, Lockheed plans that the USAF will use the fighter jet until 2070. It is also one of the most sold modern fighter jets in the international world. More than 13 countries are buying or planning to buy the F-35, including the United Kingdom, Australia, Israel and the United Arab Emirates.

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Although the F-35 has critics, it cannot be denied that it is the most advanced fighter jet currently in the air.

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